法國漢斯溫馨KK之家(Maison de KK) 聯繫方式 4 rue du sergent dominique dupuy 51100, Reims, France TEL: +33 326876581 +33 637298364 Email: saprinatsai@gmail.com 做伙來砌茶

目前分類:annoncement (3)

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 Regarding our B&B guest house in REIMS

You are thinking about to come to visit this historical royal place and also the home of champagne-REIMS, but still wander where to stay for the night.  Maison de KK provides you the warm and personnalized welcome to give you a great experience in REIMS.

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越來越多的年輕朋友們 趁著寒暑假來法國玩

玩法也越來越多變化 上次KK之家招待一位騎單車游法國的朋友

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Nous avons une chambre avec lit double disponible à partir de decembre 2010


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